Museographic space on eaux-de-vie and whiskey in Alsace

At the gates of the Val de Villé, in the piedmont of the Alsatian Vosges, opens La Maison du Distillateur, « The Distiller’s House », a museum dedicated to eaux-de-vie and Alsatian whisky.
A great first initiated by the Meyer Distillery, a family-owned and independent company, the most award-winning in the region. Between tradition and modernity, from stills to tactile terminals, La Maison du Distillateur retraces the history of the home distillers, famous in this corner of Alsace for two centuries.
It is from the desire to share a family tradition that the idea of opening a museum dedicated to distillation and whisky emerged. Lionel and Arnaud Meyer are inspired by the experience and know-how of their ancestors in order to transmit to the general public their passion for distillation.

The home distillers

Since ancient times and up to the present day, vintage kettles have been producing spirits. Whether by distillation or maceration, they produce alcohols based on fruit, berries, roots, leaves or seeds.
Originally used for medicinal purposes, many of grandmothers' eau-de-vie remedies are still passed on from generation to generation.
If the technique dates back to antiquity, it is only belatedly that the eaux-de-vie democratized as a drink. In the Val de Villé, rich in orchards and with a favourable climate, the tradition of distillation has been passed on to families from father to son, like the Meyer family whose brothers, Lionel and Arnaud, manage the distillery today.
The goblin Wurzel

The goblin Wurzel left his luggage at The Distiller’s House. Passionate about his native valley, he guides young and old on the paths of the gourmet between tradition and Alsatian gastronomy. Clever and cunning, Wurzel loves riddles and anecdotes, find them in the museum part of La Maison du Distillerateur.